Walk the Walk

During June and July 2006, Amy Banson will walk 1,463 km from Brisbane to Canberra. This charity walk is in support of people with brain injury and their families. Her goal is to raise awareness about Aquired Brain Injury (ABI), and to raise money to provide respite care for people living with ABI.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Amy's diary entry 9

Our time in Tamworth has been the funniest couple of days - I really dont think anything will beat it...

After we finally, finally made it from Balandeen (where I smashed my head so badly on a metal frame the only thing stopping me from passing out was a two-hour-long need to go potty) we quickly showered and raced over to our reception.

The reception was great, once again we met a lot of people and were congratulated on our efforts. Then I had an idea. In mid-conversation, very cooly and calmly, I dropped a hint at my yodelling interest...and that is what let us to Rex Dallas, the four-time Golden Guitar winner (for yodelling) legend who invited us to his studio in Moonbi for a once-in-a-lifetime yodelling lesson opportunity.

So off we went. I was confident as ever that my on-road practicing would surely pay off and Rex would see no need for me to take lessons. Wrong.

The air was filled with interesting sounds coming from Rex's studio that afternoon. It is possible, I was told, that with practice (a few years worth, minimum) I may one day be able to call myself a yodeller.

We drove away from Rex's house with his CD blaring in the bus and my newly improved yodelling voice getting better my the minute when the suggestion was made that if I was going to bust out some tunes at the Country Music Festival next year I needed a name. After a few interesting suggestions were thrown about, it was decided... Stretch Walker.

The next day Brian got a tattoo. He claims not a tear was shed, but on lookers tell me otherwise. We did manage to capture the whole event, in detail, on film - one of those behind-the-scenes films that may have to be destroyed before our return...


  • At 8:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I and my work collegues are so impressed with your well written stories we really look forward to them.Do you relly write them yourself or does your publicist ? It was intersting that you have chosen the name "Stretch Walker"because that is the fans given name for Chev Walker an outstanding player for my Leeds rugby team.

    Good luck.I sort of wish I was there.

    Leeds UK


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