Walk the Walk

During June and July 2006, Amy Banson will walk 1,463 km from Brisbane to Canberra. This charity walk is in support of people with brain injury and their families. Her goal is to raise awareness about Aquired Brain Injury (ABI), and to raise money to provide respite care for people living with ABI.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Amy's diary entry 14

Yesterday I walked in the rain for five hours. Every footstep came with a really pretty squealching sound. I could hardly see because of the flow of rain over my face, and the road was turning into a fast slowing river. Every so often my toes would go numb, so I started to run for a while to get the circulation going again. The rain did bring with it two benefits, though - it saved me from having to wash my hair this week and cleaned my clothes for me.

My first burst of laughter came from Brian when he called to say he somehow managed to turn onto the Freeway and couldn't see a spot to turn around. He received a good amount of pay - outs...then I managed to do the same thing. At first I was going to keep it as my little secret, but then I called to tell him I'd found him a present (a spanner) and he just happened to ask where I was...

The Hawksbury River is an amazing place. Every couple of minutes I'd see a hidden house and think to myself "oh, I'd love to live there..." then change my mind and choose the next house...and so on. I stood on a bridge to take a photo of my head with an awesome background. I didn't like the way I was smiling in the first five I took but finally got it right, all the while talking to myself, to turn around and see a guy sitting in his car at his driveway staring at me. Well it's not like there was a shop to walk into or a hole to jump into so I just kept on walking and pretended I hadn't seen him there. What a loser.

We arrived in Brooklyn to find a Post Office with Internet access. Mufasa was working in the store that day, and boy oh boy did he have some goods to buy! Everything was negotiable and it was ALL things that we really needed, like the Nokia phone finger sling thing. You can plug it into your phone and the sling wraps around your finger and you can carry it around like that. What an invention.

That night Jules nearly jumped through the roof at finding a dead spider under her pillow. It took me a while to get to sleep after that as I had the giggles bad. Nice sister I am.


  • At 6:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The quality of your blogs continues to improve and I really enjoy reading them. I wish you could do them every day.Well done.

  • At 1:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I saw you walking near liverpool today and I have since browsed your site ,you are nearly home.Well done

  • At 5:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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