Walk the Walk

During June and July 2006, Amy Banson will walk 1,463 km from Brisbane to Canberra. This charity walk is in support of people with brain injury and their families. Her goal is to raise awareness about Aquired Brain Injury (ABI), and to raise money to provide respite care for people living with ABI.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Amy's diary entry 16

Okay, so if anyone else has seen an Amy-look-alike having a lazy coffee or driving one of the support vehicles...NO, it's NOT ME!! It's my sister!!

What an awesome part of the world. Camden...Picton...Bargo...Bowral. We were walked into Picton by the Mayor as well as members of the Head Hunter group and just before we all sat down to lunch, I heard a noise. Somewhere in the distance a bark sounded that was very familiar to that of the beautiful husky I left in Canberra...and sure enough, prancing across the road came Tsar with James and Jules. It was the best suprise ever!

Finishing up in Bargo for the day, we located our place of rest and made our way over to the bowling club for dinner. Whooshka nearly pulled every muscle in his back when he tried to swing around on a non-swivel chair that night. Lucky he had his 'Wipe-on Sex Appeal' swabs he bought from the men's room in Hornsby.

Not a whole lot of cows in Bowral. We came across some donkeys on our walk in. One of them let me rub his head, but when I went to give his mate some attention he got cranky and tried to bite his leg. So I tried to rub both of their heads at the same time, thinking fair's fair, but no, neither of them liked that decision. They both made some weird noises and trotted away. I prefer the donkeys with the big ears though so I wasn't too offended. That's what I told them, anyway.

Crazy, crazy day. There isn't an internet cafe` in Moss Vale, so we went to the library but thought that their asking price was a bit rich so drove to Mittagong where we discovered the internet cafe` had closed last July so we went to the Mittagong library which closed half an hour earlier, so we went to the Bowral library which opened every day but today. An abundance of churches, but very few places to blog. After a quick prayer for sanity, we arrived with our tails between our legs at the original library where we were greeted by screaming children and strange looks. I think the screaming children was pay-back for thinking we could get a better internet-usage deal and I'm pretty sure the strange looks had something to do with our lack of talent in finding public washing machines...

Off to Bundanoon tomorrow. I like saying that word, Bundanoon. It's a bit like nashi pear - just a good word. We have a nashi pear in the car, actually. I'm going to eat it in Bundanoon so I can say I ate a nashi pear in Bundanoon and get to use great words in one sentence. Maybe Bundanoon has donkeys with long ears who like nashi pears? We'll see.


  • At 5:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Say Hi to Bundanoon darl, lived there for a year! Pop up to The Quest For Life Centre where our family lived and tell Petrea King what you're up to , I'm sure they'll let you use their internet! Hope you get some moments in the National Park for peace and reflection. Cheers sallyR

  • At 8:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, when you walked into the YHA today, i thought to myself, that face is familiar... and it wasnt until after you left for the second time that it dawned on me that it was from the article about walk with a rose in the paper on the weekend! I hope you have enjoyed your trek to Bundanoon and the rest of the Highlands. Your a champ mate. Keep up the great work you are doing!

  • At 1:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Amy, Just a little reminder that everyone at Australian Catholic University is right behind you! Rebecca and Liz Anne are going to over to see you in Goulburn today and there'll be plenty there to welcome you home. Keep going - you are doing an amazing job!
    Nicky Alsemgeest
    PS - A friend of mine works in the Brain Injury Unit in Liverpool. She said you were fantastic!

  • At 4:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Amy,
    I was involved in a car accident nearly two years ago now and experienced serious brain injuries (three bleeds in my brain). I am at ACU (signadou) in my third year of education and I just wanted to say thankyou for all that you are doing. I hope this does create awareness because I know so many people that do not understand at all. Thankyou Amy -Kate Liston xo


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